Our prices

We invite you to take a look at the prices of the services provided by our specialists.


During the initial visit, the specialist assesses the patient’s general oral health and discusses any health complaints. If necessary, tests are carried out, a treatment plan is drawn up, the number of follow-up appointments, the preliminary cost of treatment, etc.

Therapist consultation
20 €
Endodontist consultation
30 €
Prosthesis doctor's consultation
30 €
Implanting doctor's consultation
30 €
Repeated consultation
0 €
Creating a treatment plan
100 €

Implantations on a toothless jaw

Toothless jaw on 4 implants without temporary teeth (Neodent system)
4200 €
Toothless jaw on 6 implants without temporary teeth (Neodent system)
4500 €
Toothless jaw on 4 implants without temporary teeth (Straumann SLA system)
4900 €
Toothless jaw on 6 implants without temporary teeth (Straumann SLA system)
5900 €


Tooth implantation with a Neodent implant
590 €
Tooth implantation with a Straumann SLA implant
700 €
Tooth implantation with a Straumann SLActive implant
850 €
Tooth implantation with a BLX SLAactive implant
850 €
Tooth implantation with a Straumann Pure Ceramic implant
950 €
Surgical guide for 1-3 implants
150 €
Surgical guide for 4 or more implants
200 €
Healing head on implant
70 €
Multiunit support (Neodent)
105 €
Multiunit support (Straumann)
150 €
Sinus floor elevation
600 - 1200 €
Directional bone regeneration (small defect)
350 €
Directional bone regeneration (moderate defect)
600 €
Directional bone regeneration (large defect)
1200 €
Bone filling after tooth removal
180 €

Aesthetic prosthetics

Pressed/milled laminate (painted)
550 €
Pressed/milled laminate with ceramic finish
650 €
Glass ceramic laminate, layered
800 €
Glass ceramic laminate in the aesthetic zone (single)
950 €

Invisible dental straightening caps

EASY straightening aligners (both jaws)
2390 €
LIGHT/MEDIUM straightening aligners (both jaws)
3190 €
COMPLEX straightening aligners (both jaws)
3590 €
30 €
Orthodontic examination
150 €
Preparation of a treatment plan (visualisation)
300 €


Zirconia ceramic crown CAD/CAM (side teeth area)
450 - 550 €
Zirconia ceramic crown CAD/CAM (aesthetic zone)
500 - 600 €
Zirconia framework layered crown in the aesthetic zone (single)
650 - 850 €
Zirconia ceramic crown CAD/CAM on an implant (side teeth area)
600 €
Zirconia ceramic crown CAD/CAM on an implant (aesthetic zone)
650 €
Zirconia framework layered crown on an implant (single)
750 - 850 €
Emax filler
450 €
Emax crown
500 €
Front ceramic layered Emax crown
550 - 650 €
Elastic arch support prosthesis
1200 - 1600 €
Acrylic dental plate
600 €
Elastic plaque for 1-2 teeth
650 €
Plate on locators (2 implants)
1300 €
Plate on locators (3 implants)
1500 €

Fixed implant prostheses

Temporary hybrid on 4/6 implants
1000 - 1200 €
Fixed hybrid denture on 4 implants (chrome cobalt frame with acrylic teeth)
3300 €
Fixed hybrid denture on 6 implants (chrome cobalt frame with acrylic teeth)
3600 €
Fixed hybrid denture on 4/6 implants (milled, titanium frame with acrylic teeth)
3700 €
Zirconium monolith prosthesis on 4 implants (on titanium beam)
4300 €
Zirconium monolith prosthesis on 6 implants (on titanium beam)
4600 €
Milled titanium beam reinforced milled zirconia monolith framework with Emax crowns on 4/6 implants
9600 €
Cleaning/maintenance of a hybrid denture
150 €
Cleaning/fitting the hybrid denture with new screws
250 €

Prosthetic preparation

Diagnostic 1d waxing
30 €
Temporary crown
70 €
Temporary PMMA crown
120 €
Temporary tooth on implant
200 €
Restoring a damaged tooth with a glass fibre pin
150 €

Preventive health checks

Professional oral hygiene
75 €
Repeated professional oral hygiene procedure
60 €
Deep oral hygiene
95 €
Curettage (one jaw)
150 €
Treatment of fluorosis affected teeth with the ICON system (1 day)
100 €
Teeth whitening at the clinic (both jaws)
280 €
Teeth whitening with hygiene (whitening 20 min.)
130 €
Fluoride varnish application (all teeth)
50 €

Dental fillings

Temporary filling
30 €
Small helium filling
85 €
Medium helium filling
105 €
Large helium filling
125 €
Restoring a molar tooth with filling
180 €
Tooth crown restoration prior to endodontics
40 €
Restoration of the canine tooth pathway
70 €
Aesthetic filling
150 - 250 €
Filling by waxing (tips)
120 €
Filling by waxing (full)
160 €
Bite lift with hot composite (simple)
80 €

Canal treatment

Single canal treatment (service performed with microscope)
160 €
Two canals treatment (service performed with microscope)
300 €
Three canals treatment (service performed with microscope)
450 €
Four canals treatment (service performed with microscope)
500 €
Single canal re-treatment (service performed with microscope)
220 €
Two canals re-treatment (service performed with microscope)
400 €
Three canals re-treatment (service performed with microscope)
600 €
Four canals re-treatment (service performed with microscope)
700 €
Use of MTA
90 €
Removal of the plug during canal re-treatment, passage of a calcified canal (service performed with microscope)
100 €

Teeth straightening

Baby teeth removal
50 €
Permanent tooth removal (simple)
60 €
Permanent tooth removal (complicated)
100 €
Wisdom tooth removal (simple)
100 €
Wisdom tooth removal (complicated)
120 €
Retained tooth removal (simple)
150 €
Retained tooth removal (complicated)
180 €

Surgical treatment

50 €
Root apex resection (simple)
250 €
Root apex resection (complex)
350 €
Cyst removal (up to 1 cm)
250 €
Cyst removal (over 1 cm)
350 €
Patch surgery (1st quarter)
200 €
PRF after tooth extraction
80 €

Microsurgery / periodontology

Implant removal
400 €
Microimplant (orthodontic)
150 €
Exposure of a retinated tooth for orthodontics (1 tooth)
100 €
Tongue frenulum plastic surgery
90 €
Gum recession plastic surgery
350 €
Thickening the gum with palate (1d)
350 €
Thickening the gum with palate (2-3d)
700 €
Patch surgery (1 tooth)
100 €
Patch surgery (extra tooth)
35 €
Crown lengthening (1 tooth)
100 €


Retention aligner
100 €
Protective double-layered mouthpiece
120 €
Bruxism mouthpiece (vacuum)
150 €
Myorelaxation mouthpiece
380 €
Three-layer sports mouthpiece
150 €
Bleaching mouthpiece
80 €

Botox treatments

Lifting the corners of the lips
80 €
Visible teeth smile correction (coverage)
90 €
Reduction of masticatory muscle hyperactivity (One side)
120 €
Area around the eyes
90 €
Area between the eyes, "anger" wrinkles
90 €
Horizontal forehead wrinkles
110 €

Tests, etc.

Dental X-ray
10 €
Panoramic dental X-ray
30 €
Computed tomography scan (3D), one jaw
50 €
Computed tomography scan (3D), both jaws
70 €
Silicone working impression
50 €
3D Shape digital working print
50 €
3D diagnostic model
50 €
10 €
Pack of disposable measures
10 €

Albodent Clinic – when trust creates results

We appreciate every patient who decides to entrust their smile to us! Trust builds dialogue and ensures the best possible outcome.

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/ Your favourite song can play on Spotify during your treatment!

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