With a team of dental professionals and state-of-the-art technology, we strive to provide the best possible quality of treatment so that our patients can smile big again!
The “ALBODENT” clinic opened its doors out of a strong professional passion, drive and the ability to translate scientific innovation into everyday practice. Today’s patients have much higher expectations: healthy teeth are not everything. We want healthy teeth that fit beautifully and aesthetically into our smiles. This leads to self-confidence and success. And we can offer it. Whereas a dental filling used to be a lump of hardened “mush” that was visible to the naked eye, today’s technology allows a filling to restore the original relief of the teeth – so you can smile broadly and no one will even know you’ve just been to the dentist!” – says Justinas Gaidys, dentist at ALBODENT Clinic.
ALBODENT is more than a dental clinic. If you’ve come to us, we’ll do our best to earn your trust. Whether you’re just coming for a consultation or to deal with an urgent problem, we’ll discuss every step of the treatment, offer a number of solutions and only after you agree, we’ll get to work. It is important for us to let the patient know that trust in the course of treatment will lead to much better results.
ALBODENT clinic is one of the first in Lithuania to introduce an innovation in the field of aesthetic dentistry – digital smile design (DSD). With digital photography, your smile can be planned on a computer screen and displayed live in your mouth without any treatment procedures. It is worth a try for those who are hesitant to make a radical change, for those who are demanding of themselves and want to be involved in the process and contribute to the end result.
happy smiles
dental implant patients
percent of patients recommend our clinic to others
Thank you to our existing patients – you are the reason we are improving and striving. And to future patients we say: “let us surprise you with our professionalism and our ability to quickly solve your problems, be they small or large”.
At “Albodent”, we provide a range of dental services to ensure the most effective treatment possible.
Please provide the details below in preparation for your visit and we will get back to you as soon as possible.